Refund Policy Print

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Have questions about what products and services are eligible for a refund? We've got your answers below!

  • You may request a full refund within 45 days of purchase for annual products.

    NOTE: Annual renewals during or after one-month free trials are eligible for refunds for only 15 days from the end of the free trial, i.e. 45 days from the beginning of the free trial.

  • You may request a refund within 48 hours of purchase for monthly products.
  • After 45 days, you may request an in-store credit for any unused time remaining on your annual plan. Unused time will be prorated based on the date of purchase.
  • In no event will you be eligible for more than one refund for the same product.
  • A product must be canceled before we can issue a refund.
  • All refund requests must include the reason you are asking for a refund and whether you want an In-store Credit.
  • In the event your purchased product includes a free domain name, if you cancel the purchased product, the standard price for the domain name will be deducted from the refund amount.

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